17 HR Policies every organization should have

17 HR Policies every organization should haveGetting your HR processes and employment policies right is essential. After all, most organizations need people to perform services or create products. Ensuring the right people with the right skills (or enthusiasm to learn new ones) are chosen is key to success. This post written by Virginia Ripley, HR Practitioner, […]

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Amend the Owstimer.exe.config to support DocRead under FBA

Amend the Owstimer.exe.config to support DocRead under FBAIf you choose to use a different authentication mechanism such as FBA that requires a ‘Role’ and ‘Membership’ provider specified in your web.config then you will also need to copy these entries to your owstimer.exe.config file. Here’s an example of a working owstimer.exe.config file that is set-up to use Extradium. […]

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What are Policies and why they are important!

What are Policies and why they are importantPolicies, procedures, compliance and adherence are terms that are widely used throughout organizations worldwide. However, you could be forgiven for thinking they are the perfect oxymoron! How can a set of rules intended to maintain standards, be so widely and differently interpreted and implemented?Although different organizations create policies […]

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Creating an Audience report for your document

Who has read your key documents?Ensuring the right people have read and understood key documents is key to any compliance process. After spending precious time creating your policies, procedures and other important documents, you need to make sure they have the desired effect. The relevant employees need to thoroughly understand your expectations and standards. Today’s […]

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SOP Manual

Standard Operating Procedures ManualStandard Operating Procedures (SOPs) can be the key to ensuring regulatory compliance. In this free SOP manual we have summarized the creation process of Standard Operating Procedures into six main parts: In each stage, we concentrate on the key elements, and identify some of the pitfalls and areas to focus on. Technology, […]

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The cost of non-compliance

The cost of non-compliance: risks and consequencesCompliance refers to the act of adhering to rules, regulations, and laws that govern a particular industry, organization, or country. Non-compliance, on the other hand, is the failure to comply with these regulations. Non-compliance can have severe consequences, including legal, financial, and reputational risks. In this blog post, we will […]

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The Future of Healthcare Compliance

The Future of Healthcare Compliance: Emerging Trends and ChallengesIn recent years, healthcare compliance has become an increasingly important issue in the industry. The rise of digital health technology and the changing landscape of regulations and policies have led to new challenges and opportunities for compliance professionals. This blog post will explore some of the emerging […]

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Maximizing compliance efficiency through data management and analytics

Maximizing compliance efficiency through data management and analyticsIn today’s business environment, organizations must operate in compliance with an ever-growing number of regulations and standards. These include data privacy and security regulations, industry-specific standards, and internal policies. Maintaining compliance can be a complex and time-consuming process. Organizations must ensure they have the right systems, processes, and […]

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