Our Solutions
The applications and uses for DocRead and DocSurvey are almost endless in your organisation. With our software, hosted on the Microsoft SharePoint platform, you can streamline your policies and procedure process, employee training, Risk and Regulatory compliance, Governance and much more.
Take a look below at just some of the areas in which you can leverage the power of your existing SharePoint platform with the addition of DocRead and DocSurvey in order to keep your business on the right track.
Health and Safety Training
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is an act intended to allow individuals to more easily transfer healthcare information from one insurer or provider to another, while keeping that information protected and confidential.
Streamlining Communications with DocRead & SharePoint
SharePoint internal communication activities can be greatly enhanced by a combination of SharePoint and DocRead. SharePoint, one of Microsoft's leading enterprise tools, provides internal communications professionals with a comprehensive content and document management platform. DocRead adds powerful compliance and approval functionality not available ‘out of the box
ISO 27001, COBIT & ITIL Compliance with SharePoint
Governance frameworks exist to help businesses and organisations implement best practice in their particular fields. They encourage the use of proven methodologies, aid compliance with relevant standards, and can generally help reduce risk and operating costs.
DocRead as Policy and Procedure Management Software
DocRead is policy management software for SharePoint that helps target policies and procedures to groups of users in your organization. Any item that can be saved into a SharePoint document library or list can be assigned to a specific group of users so you can also assign office documents, videos, images and pdf's for example. Once assigned - DocRead tracks who has and has not acknowledged those documents via a suite of reports and charts
Third-Party Risk & Compliance Software
Worried About Third-Party Risk & Compliance?....Do you want to ensure that your trusted partners comply with your policies & procedures?...DocRead can provide the perfect solution for Third Party Compliance, take a look here to find out how.
Regulatory Compliance with DocRead for SharePoint
Regulatory compliance is a vitally important function of most organizations throughout the world. To stay compliant with various regulations and laws can be a very time consuming, arduous task. However, along with SharePoint, our products (DocRead and DocSurvey), offer a cost-effective method to distribute your policies and procedure, take a look here for more details.