Audience Targeted Reading
Targeting a document to a group of users with DocRead couldn't be easier.
DocRead integrates seamlessly into familiar, standard SharePoint screens meaning that within just a few minutes a document can be uploaded, configured, approved and targeted to users.
Each individual contained within the targeted audience will receive a DocRead assignment to complete. DocRead keeps track of who has (or has not) completed them, ensuring you stay on top of your compliance needs.
'Required Audiences' should be used for 'must read' mandatory documents. These documents will fall overdue if not completed in time and e-mail reminders will be sent.
Along with the group name you must also set a deadline for the task. This can either be a fixed date or you can specify the number of days each individual is given to complete their reading task.
'Recommended Audiences' are ideal for those documents that you consider to be non-mandatory or for 'information only'. This can be anything from an Excel spreadsheet presenting your company's yearly results, to a PDF containing details for your next team party. Unlike required tasks, recommended tasks do not become overdue.
Whichever audience type you choose, DocRead will send an individual task to all members of the audience requesting that they complete it by the deadline set.
DocRead's Smart Move technology ensures that when users move between groups or audiences they are always assigned the correct reading tasks. This makes DocRead ideal for common business processes such as on-boarding, secondments, project work, 3rd party contractors, leavers etc.
Reset Tasks
Many important documents (especially policies) need to be read and confirmed by groups of members on a regular basis. This is easily achieved using the 'Reset Tasks' option which resets everyone in the specified group (or audience). A new reading task is sent to them regardless of whether they completed the original task or not. Comprehensive records of all changes are kept to ensure a complete audit trail is available.