Category Archives for "SharePoint"

Creating a Policy Approval Workflow with Power Automate

Policy Approval WorkflowAutomated policy approval workflows offer several benefits that can significantly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of policy creation within an organization. Here are some of the key advantages:Increased Efficiency: Automation speeds up the document approval process by eliminating manual steps. This results in quicker turnaround times for document approvals.Reduced Errors: Automated workflows minimize […]

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Upgrading a custom application to SharePoint 2013

Upgrading a custom application to SharePoint 2013Just before Christmas I was tasked with the wonderful job of getting DocRead (our Policy Management Software for SharePoint) working on SharePoint 2013. At this point, although things appeared to be working, we encountered a few issues during testing. We also needed to make DocRead look and feel like a […]

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Regulatory Compliance – Information Management Policies

Regulatory Compliance – Information Management Policies Information Management Policies in SharePoint in my experience, are not used that heavily, but are an extremely easy way to apply policies to your documents. They are accessible from ‘Library Settings’ and are configurable per content type. For example, this means that all ‘documents’ in the library will have the policy applied. […]

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How to Add Users to a SharePoint Group

How to Add Users to a SharePoint GroupThis blog post explains how to add users to a SharePoint group! Treat it as a quick-reference guide. You can find step-by-step instructions for both SharePoint online and on-premises versions of SharePoint below.SharePoint Online 1. First, log in as an administrator and navigate to the site where the […]

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