Category Archives for "DocRead"

Preparing for the next big compliance threat

Preparing for the next big compliance threatAs a compliance manager, you play a critical role in ensuring that your organization is prepared for any and all compliance threats that come its way. With the rapid pace of change in the business world and the ever-evolving landscape of regulatory requirements, staying ahead of the curve can […]

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Regulatory Compliance – Information Management Policies

Regulatory Compliance – Information Management Policies Information Management Policies in SharePoint in my experience, are not used that heavily, but are an extremely easy way to apply policies to your documents. They are accessible from ‘Library Settings’ and are configurable per content type. For example, this means that all ‘documents’ in the library will have the policy applied. […]

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Types of audiences that can be used by DocRead

Note: The information in this post relates to DocRead for on-premises SharePoint only. DocRead uses the SharePoint API to get the list of users that have been assigned to a DocRead audience. Because of limitations with this API DocRead audiences can only contain individual windows users, SharePoint Groups, ASP.Net roles, standard Windows security groups and SharePoint audiences. […]

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Announcing the new DocRead 365 Analytics Module

Announcing the new DocRead 365 Analytics ModuleWe are thrilled to announce the release of our brand-new DocRead Analytics Module add-on! This powerful new feature gives our DocRead 365 customers the ability to create their own employee compliance reports using Power BI, adding a level of flexibility and customisation that many of our customers have been […]

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Preventing Rogue Policies in the Workplace

Preventing Rogue Policies in the WorkplaceRogue policies are workplace policies that are not created or approved by management. They may also be in direct violation of corporate policy. These policies can have a negative impact on your business if not managed properly.The most common sources of rogue policies are Employees who are trying to bypass the […]

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10 Powerful Strategies to Boost Employee Compliance

10 Powerful Strategies to Boost Employee Compliance Ensuring that employees comply with company policies is a common challenge faced by many organizations. For example, despite implementing strict security protocols, employees might ignore multi-factor authentication, leaving the company vulnerable to breaches. In another case, an organization may have clear data-handling policies, but employees may inadvertently mishandle customer […]

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Manage Policies and Procedures in SharePoint

Manage Policies and Procedures in SharePointNo matter what size your organization, at some point you will need to ensure that certain employees read and acknowledge policies and procedure documents – for example company policies, risk assessments or employee manuals. Depending on your organization, industry and compliance regulations the list of documents can seem endless. Creating […]

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