Category Archives for "Technical"

Amend the Owstimer.exe.config to support DocRead under FBA

Amend the Owstimer.exe.config to support DocRead under FBAIf you choose to use a different authentication mechanism such as FBA that requires a ‘Role’ and ‘Membership’ provider specified in your web.config then you will also need to copy these entries to your owstimer.exe.config file. Here’s an example of a working owstimer.exe.config file that is set-up to use Extradium. […]

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How to update multiple documents in a SharePoint document library with PowerShell

How to update multiple documents in a SharePoint document library with PowerShellWe recently received a query for DocRead to see if it was possible to set the ‘Required Audience’ and ‘Acknowledgement Days’ to about 100 policies on mass (via a script). Hence, being one who is always up for a challenge, I loaded up PowerGUI and […]

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DocRead Upgrade Instructions

DocRead Upgrade InstructionsInstructions on how to upgrade your DocRead installation to the latest versionNote: The information in this post relates to DocRead for on-premises SharePoint only.  You can also request our help at any time by submitting a support request to our Helpdesk team. Request Help If you prefer written instructions you can find step by […]

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Using DocRead in a hybrid scenario

Using DocRead in a hybrid scenario DocRead needs to be installed into an on-premises version of SharePoint. It is possible for the same SharePoint Farm to have other sites running in SharePoint Online, but the site where DocRead is installed needs to be fully running on-premises. It is possible to create a “link” to a […]

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Types of audiences that can be used by DocRead

Note: The information in this post relates to DocRead for on-premises SharePoint only.  DocRead uses the SharePoint API to get the list of users that have been assigned to a DocRead audience. Because of limitations with this API DocRead audiences can only contain individual windows users, SharePoint Groups, ASP.Net roles, standard Windows security groups and SharePoint […]

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