How to update multiple documents in a SharePoint document library with PowerShell
We recently received a query for DocRead to see if it was possible to set the ‘Required Audience’ and ‘Acknowledgement Days’ to about 100 policies on mass (via a script). Hence, being one who is always up for a challenge, I loaded up PowerGUI and set to work!
This script can easily be modified to set any column value, but, obviously my example was specifically to update ‘Required Audience’ and / or ‘Recommended Audience’ columns that DocRead relies upon to distribute the documents to correct groups. To follow my example, you will need to :
- Have enabled DocRead on the site containing the Document library.
- Attached DocRead to the Document Library.
- Populated the Document Library with a few important policies.
- Copy the script below (into notepad) and save as ‘DocRead-Set-DocProps.ps1’ on one of your WFE’s.
- Login to the WFE as a user who is an admin and who also has contribute permissions on the Document Library containing the policies.
- Load a SharePoint PowerShell session.
- Within the PowerShell session, ‘CD’ into the directory where you saved the script. (e.g. CD c:Powershell).
- Now copy this line, changing the values in orange to match your url, document library name, comment, and group names.
- .DocRead-Set-DocProps.ps1 -prmUrl “http://localhost” -prmFolder “Documents” -prmCommentField “DocRead Comment” -prmComment “Your comment” -prmRequiredGroupName “DocRead test group” -prmRecommendedGroupName “Approvers” –prmRequiredAckDays 4 -prmRecommendedAckDays 5 -prmOverrideCheckOut 0
- Run it!
- Once it has run, the script will checkout each document, amend the audience and comment columns, check in and optionally approve and publish the document.
- For DocRead users, the next step is to process site readerships via the DocRead menu.
The PowerShell Script
(Please note : this sample script has only been tested on version DocRead 2.3)
param( [string]$prmUrl, [string]$prmFolder, [string]$prmCommentField, [string]$prmComment, [string]$prmRequiredGroupName, [string]$prmRecommendedGroupName, [int]$prmRequiredAckDays, [int]$prmRecommendedAckDays, [boolean]$prmOverrideCheckOut ) # Load up SP required snap in. if(-not(Get-PSSnapin | Where { $_.Name -eq "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"})) { Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell; } $web = Get-SPWeb $prmUrl # Get the folder $folder = $web.GetFolder($prmFolder); # Only do this if the folder is in the web. if ($folder.Exists) { # Loop through files and check out if file is not already checked out $folder.Files | ForEach-Object { if ($_.CheckOutType -ne "None" -and $prmOverrideCheckOut) { $_.CheckIn("Override Checkout") } # Check if file is not checked in if ($_.CheckOutType -eq "None") { Write-Host Checking out : $_.Name $_.CheckOut() # Set Comment field if ($prmCommentField) { $_.Item[$prmCommentField] = $prmComment } # Set Required Audience if ($prmRequiredGroupName) { if (!$prmRequiredAckDays) { $reqAckDays = 7 } else { $reqAckDays = $prmRequiredAckDays } $reqUserGroup = $web.Groups[$prmRequiredGroupName] Write-Host Setting Required Audience : $prmRequiredGroupName $_.Item["Required Audiences"] = ";#;;;;;;;;" + $reqUserGroup.Name + ";#" + $reqAckDays + ";#" } # Set Recommended Audience if ($prmRecommendedGroupName) { if (!$prmRecommendedAckDays) { $recAckDays = 7 } else { $recAckDays = $prmRecommendedAckDays } $recUserGroup = $web.Groups[$prmRecommendedGroupName] Write-Host Setting Recommended Audience : $prmRecommendedGroupName $_.Item["Recommended Audiences"] = ";#;;;;;;;;" + $recUserGroup.Name + ";#" + $recAckDays + ";#" } $_.Item.Update() $_.CheckIn("Checked in.") # Check for a publish if (($_.Level -eq [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileLevel]::Draft)) { Write-Host Publishing a major version $_.Publish("Published.") $_.Update(); } # Check for an approve if ($_.Item.ModerationInformation){ if ($_.Item.ModerationInformation.Status -eq [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPModerationStatusType]::Pending) { Write-Host Approving $_.Approve("Approved") $_.Update(); } } } else { Write-Host $_.Name already checked out; } } } $web.Dispose()