Who has read your key documents?

Ensuring the right people have read and understood key documents is key to any compliance process. After spending precious time creating your policies, procedures and other important documents, you need to make sure they have the desired effect. The relevant employees need to thoroughly understand your expectations and standards. Today's modern systems can help achieve this quite simply!

The key to this process is to identify which groups of people in your organization need to read and understand key policies, procedures, SOP's and other important documents. These people become the "audience" for the document or information. Each audience member needs to get up to speed with your organizations way of doing things. Not only will they understand what is required of them, they will also feel productive, part of the team and have confidence in their ability to perform their role well. 

From your organizations point of view, you need to be able to prove that:

  1. the right people
  2. have the right information and
  3. have certified their compliance with your requirements.

Tracking and audience reports are an essential part of this process.

Audience Compliance Reporting

Audience compliance reports allow you to understand which audiences have been assigned to which documents. Ideally, you need a matrix of all documents and ensure that they have been assigned to the correct audiences. 

The audience reports provided by our DocRead tool give you a full breakdown on how compliant audiences are against individual policies & procedures.

Image showing the DocRead Audience report

Real Time Reporting

Image showing a DocRead reading status report

Real time reports allow you to quickly see who has or has not completed their compliance tasks. The standard reports also provide ample details for compliance reporting and audit trails.

Advanced reporting options via Power BI provide opportunities to create bespoke reports, and enhanced visualizations or dashboards.

Are your policies read on time and by the right people?

DocRead makes compliance simple

How DocRead works its magic to provide compliance reports

Automatic detection of employee job changes

With Smart Move, DocRead can automatically detect when employees move departments or join different work groups. Information that becomes important for their new role is then automatically issued and readership tracked.

This can be a huge time-saver as you won't have to manually trigger those changes and the compliance process can begin. 

Automatic issuing of relevant documents and policies

Image showing the DocRead assigned email

After DocRead has detected changes in personnel using Smart Move, it will automatically send them details of all relevant policies, procedures and other documents.

The DocRead task will require them to confirm that they have read and understood the information.

It is also possible to ask the user competency based questions about the item you have assigned to them. This means you can check their understanding of the information and ensure they meet your standards.

Automatic tracking of DocRead tasks

DocRead will track the status of the DocRead tasks created in the previous stage.

Email reminders can be automatically sent if tasks are not completed in a timely manner.

The reminders can also be emailed to the users line manager to escalate the issue and encourage compliance. This is particularly useful if tasks are initially not completed on time.

Image showing the DocRead overdue email
SOP Beginners Guide Ebook

Get your free Standard Operating Procedures guide

Creating Standard Operating Procedures for your organisation doesn't have to be complicated. This guide will introduce you to the whole lifecycle from creation to training and distribution.

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