How to send overdue reminders repeatedly with DocRead

The DocRead notification scheduler is responsible for sending emails to users when tasks are assigned, completed or fall overdue.

By default, after the DocRead Notification Scheduler is installed, when a reading task becomes overdue only 1 reminder email is sent. This article will illustrate how to change DocRead so that you can send overdue reminders repeatedly until reading is confirmed.

Steps – versions prior to v2.0.

1. Navigate to the folder where the Notification Scheduler was installed. This is likely to be ‘C:\Program Files\Collaboris\DocRead\Scheduler’.

2. Edit ‘CollaborisSchedulingAgent.exe.config’ in Notepad.

3. Locate this line :

<add key=”AllwaysSendOverdue” value=”false” />

and change it to this :

<add key=”AllwaysSendOverdue” value=”true” />

4. Save the file.

5. Load the Notification Scheduler application and ‘Restart The Service’.

Steps – version 2.0 onwards.

1. Load the Notification Scheduler application.

2. Select “General Settings”

3. Check “Send Overdue Repeatedly”.

4. Click “Ok”.

Overdue emails will now be sent repeatedly once per day.

It is also possible to copy these overdue reminder emails to the users line manager. This can help escalate the requirement and ensure you stay compliant. To find out how to do this, please refer to section 2.9.3 of the DocRead System Administrators Guide