How to filter a SharePoint Task list to only show items due within 7 days

Task lists can end up being so large that you can't focus on your priorities.

In this example we are going to show how to create a view that only shows the tasks that are due in the next 7 days.

Step 1: Create a Tasks List

Step 2: Add a new calculated column called "Expiry Date" 

Set the formula to this '[Due Date]+7' (Note: you can give you column any name you want). 

Please note the example shows '14' so just change that how many days you need.

Step 3: Create a new view called 'Due in 7 days'.

Finally, navigate to your list and click 'Create View' on the ribbon. Once in the view add a new filter expression as follows:

In our example, we are showing all the tasks where the Expiry Date are due within a week.

You can also use this view when you embed the Tasks list as a web part.

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