What happens if I enable/disable the Email Scheduler?
The DocRead Notification Scheduler is responsible for sending out email notifications on a scheduled basis. The scheduler sends out 3 types of emails :
- Task Assigned – sent to a recipient when they are required to read and confirm / acknowledge a document.
- Task Confirmed – sent to a recipient when they have confirmed / acknowledged a document.
- Task Overdue – sent to a recipient if the ‘due date’ has passed on a document.
When a scheduled job runs, it will interrogate the DocRead Database and send the correct emails based on the current status of the tasks at that point in time.
The email timer jobs are set to run by default as follows:
- Task Assigned – once per hour every day.
- Task Confirmed – every 15 minutes.
- Task Overdue – once per day.
The timings of these can be amended to suit your circumstances, find out how here: How to adjust the timing of DocRead notification emails – Collaboris
What does this mean?
Imagine that a DocRead Publisher sent out a document to 100 staff members at 9am and by 10am 50 users confirmed reading, (by using a DocRead web part on their MySite). If the Scheduler was started (or scheduled to run) at 8pm that evening, then it would send out 50 ‘Assigned’ emails and 50 ‘Confirmed’ emails.