RN09: DocRead & DocSurvey for SharePoint V2.2 (2.2.31024.2)
Note: The information in this post relates to DocRead for on-premises SharePoint only.
Please note: This is a historic release note and does not relate to the most recent version of the software available. Please visit our release note archive here to view a complete list of published release notes.
25th October 2013
Please Note : This release targets SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 only. Although SharePoint 2007 customers will continue to be supported DocRead for SharePoint 2007 will not be developed any further.
New Features
- DocSurvey
- Added support for mixing scoring and non-scoring questions on the same survey.
- Added support enabling or disabling survey statistics.
- Several improvements on the Survey reports.
- Disable the save survey option when a survey is taken via the complete DocRead task (so that the DocRead task can be completed).
Bug Fixes
- DocSurvey
- View Response displays scroll bar after taking survey from a different domain.
- Fixed some issues with integration with Minimal Download Strategy functionality in SharePoint 2013.
- The Survey details report Export to PDF has some display issues and blank pages.
- Ok Button on survey results page does not close the window when opened in a cross-domain dialog.
- Reports don’t work across web applications.
- Processing changes message in the central admin global settings screen needs to stick until the page closes.
- Fixed calculation errors when non-scoring questions were used together with scoring ones.
- Improved the scaling of the report graphics depending on the number of questions.
- Fix correct choice validator to ensure it doesn’t count empty lines.
- Incorrect
- DocRead
- Reading Certificate Image is missing in HTML certificate (not on the report one).
- Upgrading to version 2.1 can cause settings to be lost under some circumstances.
- We can attach DocRead to a new web application after the license expires.
- Cannot attach DocRead to an old Database version (might be required after an upgrade if the database was detached by mistake).
- Warning message not shown In the Readership global settings page (central administration) when the user detaches DocRead from a web application.
- When audiences are disabled in the Global Settings page DocRead allows for users to be added to the audiences field but it then throws an error when saving the changes.
- Changed the way css pages are registered by the server side code to avoid problems with SharePoint 2013.
- Under some circumstances when following the link from email the TaskPanel does not show up if the window is not maximised