How to Distribute a Training Video with DocRead for SharePoint

OK, so here’s the thing – you’ve created a fabulous training video informing staff how to avoid injuring themselves when lifting heavy objects and you now need to ensure that all relevant staff watch it and follow your guidance.

Before proceeding, please read ‘How to add a video to SharePoint in 5 steps‘ and for advanced scenarios ‘How to embed a video into a SharePoint page and where to host it‘.

After you have added your video into a SharePoint webpage and included all relevant instructions it will look something like this:

video-in-sharepoint (1)

A DocRead Publisher can then use DocRead to create assignments for all relevant employees by visiting the Edit Properties screen for the webpage and adding the name of the user group/(s) or audience/(s) that need to view the video:


Once the tasks have been created by DocRead, email notifications will be sent to users and the assignment will appear in their reading list (a DocRead web part placed on the organizations internet/intranet)


The user then simply clicks on the reading task (or follows the link in the email) to view the web page containing the video and then self certifies that they have watched, understood and intend to follow the advice given.


DocRead administrators are able to view reports that detail who has and has not completed the reading task and email reminders are sent to users who have not yet completed the task.


DocRead can also be used to assign essential compliance documents, HR information, company policies and procedures and other important information to users and help you manage the process of ensuring that all relevant people confirm that they understand and agree to abide with your requirements.