Category Archives for "DocRead"

The importance of versioning in policies

The Importance of Versioning with PoliciesWhat is policy versioning?Policy versioning is the practice of assigning a unique version number to each iteration of a policy or procedure. This helps to keep track of changes and updates made to the policy over time. It also helps ensure that policies are up-to-date and compliant with the latest […]

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Target external content with Office365 and DocRead

Target external content with Office365 and DocReadMicrosoft 365 / SharePoint Online is an amazing place to store documents and important information. Documents and links are searchable, sharable and secure. SharePoint security ensures any sensitive information does not get into the wrong hands. From time to time you may need to give the effect of storing documents […]

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Standard Operating Procedures Guide

Standard Operating Procedures – A complete guideStandard Operating Procedures (SOP) are key to many businesses these days. Not only do they document the successful process to maintain a quality product, output or procedure. In many circumstances they are the key to ensuring regulatory compliance. This SOP guide provides an overview of the creation process.The creation […]

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SOP Manual

Standard Operating Procedures ManualStandard Operating Procedures (SOPs) can be the key to ensuring regulatory compliance. In this free SOP manual we have summarized the creation process of Standard Operating Procedures into six main parts: In each stage, we concentrate on the key elements, and identify some of the pitfalls and areas to focus on. Technology, […]

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Leveraging AI for Policy Writing Success

Leveraging AI for Policy Writing SuccessIn the realm of policy writing, data and documentation are crucial components that demand accuracy, efficiency, and clarity. However, the process of creating comprehensive policy documents can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Enter AI, the game-changer that revolutionizes policy writing success. With the integration of artificial intelligence technology, policy […]

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